PET to deliver “Espresso” course on community energy for municipal employees in Serbia

What is the role of local government in advancing community energy projects? What is the best starting point? What are the most common obstacles that community energy initiatives face and how to overcome them?

These are some of the questions to be answered through the Espresso Community Energy Course, developed by Energy Cities. PET, as selected organization from Serbia, will adapt the selected modules from the Espresso course to reflect Serbian local conditions, and made them accessible online for the municipal employees and leaders in the coming months.

The Espresso course was developed within the project led by Energy Cities and supported by the European Climate Foundation. Its objective is to foster involvement of local governments in the community energy initiatives, through the self-paced e-learning courses. The course, aptly named "Espresso training," is designed to provide concise and useful information for the representatives of local governments through 2-hour modules and brief live thematic classes.

As a part of the initiative to offer the Espresso course to Serbian municipal representatives, Energy Cities enabled to PET’s directors, Tanja Popovicki and Bojan Gajić, to participate in the training-for-trainers workshop held in Sofia on 30 and 31 May.


5 questions for… Prof. Dr. Predrag Cvetković


Discussion about community energy at the workshop in Zlatibor